There are 3 critical moves everyone needs to make to prepare for the next recession.

1. Get your house in order.
Create a war chest of cash that will allow you to pay for expenses if you lose your job. A war chest is cash In the bank that isn’t going to disappear when the stock market crashes

2. Stockpile right now.
Make as much money as you can right now by finding ways to increase your income. That might include freelancing or moonlighting or starting a new business. But most of all, don’t depend on one source of income.

3. Move your assets from risk to safety.
Once the crash hits it’s too late to protect your wealth. Don’t be foolish and repeat errors of the past by letting greed drive your decisions to leave money in the market because you don’t want to miss out on some little bit more growth. This is how the typical person operates and the typical person gets burned over and over and over again.